Fralens is a family foundation created by Franklin Schmick and Lenore Staley Schmick in 1962 as a 501-c-3, not-for-profit, Illinois corporation. The word “Fralens” is a portmanteau of the first 3 letters of each of their first names (“Fra” and “Len”) and the first letter of their last name (“S”) to create “Fralens.”
Franklin’s daughter, Mary Schmick, resided as president of the foundation for almost 50 years, from 1974 until 2023. During this time, Fralens was funded by donations and, in turn, selected other not-for-profit organizations to support. Examples of past recipients include;
2021 – The NorthShore University HealthSystem in honor of Dr. David J. Winchester.
2019 – Preservation Chicago to preserve Chicago’s unique buildings and create landmark districts.
2016 – The Woman’s Board of Lincoln Park Zoo to provide funds and services for The Lincoln Park Zoological Society
In 2024, Mary’s son, Scott Madlener, become president of Fralens and updated our mission.